16 April 2011


To be truly honest about the way this blog functions, I must tell you that Amy is the true enthusiast. She is estatic to know who is reading her work. She labors with love over her insights and looks to me only to do a quick once-over and add any "English Major" mumbo-jumbo. As you can probably tell, my editing skills need a bit of work.

But, now I'm feeling guilty that we haven't updated you in a whole, what, two days? I'm sure Amy would be all up in your grill with the low-down.... but right now she's clutching her stomach and refusing to take her antibiotics. Nurses do make terrible patients.

No, I don't think she's dying. But, our arrival in Cambodia has been a bit less about the sights and activities, and quite a bit more about the bathrooms. Of course, we've only been here about 5 hours. I think perhaps our farewell to Thailand dinner didn't sit well.

What I can tell you about this place (Siem Reap, Cambodia) is that it has a very different aesthetic than Chaing Mai (which we just left behind). The architecture feels much more colonial and the community around our hotel is much more a focused tourist station than the sprawling tourist community in Chaing Mai. The bugs seem a bit more vicious here. Otherwise, the people are exceedingly friendly and polite. In fact, we were taken to dinner by some friends of friends. The son speaks passing English if you use enough of your charade skills and the father, no English at all. And yet, it was a lovely dinner. Loads of gesticulating and wishing I had a translator phone at my disposal, but in the end, a wonderful experience. I am very grateful.

If our stomachs are no longer throwing a temper tantrum tomorrow, we may wonder over to Angor Wat and to the night market. We'll keep you posted. Much love. Katie and Amy.

PS- Amy and I have now both taken our antibiotics... so hopefully on the path to recovery.


  1. Oh no. Hope you guys feel better. Miss you, but love reading of the adventures!!

  2. Amy and Katie Hope you are feeling well soon. Dad

  3. Hope you are both well!!
    now you Both now how to do the cambodian Two step. Be safe Dad

  4. ladies! get sick when you are at home working, not having a world travel adventure! xoxo
    feel better, dolls!
